Keyword Status

Keyword status in app search ads refers to the current state or condition of a keyword within a campaign.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E
  • F
  • G
  • H
  • I
  • J
  • K
  • L
  • M
  • N
  • O
  • P
  • Q
  • R
  • S
  • T
  • U
  • V
  • W
  • X
  • Y
  • Z

What Is Keyword Status?

Keyword status in app search ads refers to the current state or condition of a keyword within a campaign. It indicates whether a keyword is active, paused, removed, or has another status that affects its operation and performance. Managing keyword status is crucial for optimizing ad campaigns and ensuring that only relevant and effective keywords are in use.

The Importance Of Keyword Status

Campaign Control: Allows marketers to manage which keywords are active and contributing to the campaign.

Performance Optimization: Helps identify and deactivate underperforming keywords.

Budget Efficiency: Ensures budget is allocated to effective keywords.

Strategic Adjustments: Facilitates quick adjustments based on performance data.

Types Of Keyword Status

Active: The keyword is currently being used in the campaign and can trigger ads.

Paused: The keyword is temporarily inactive and will not trigger ads.

Removed: The keyword has been deleted from the campaign and will no longer be tracked.

Pending Review: The keyword is under review and not yet active.

Examples Of Keyword Status

In an app search ad campaign, a keyword like "health tracker" might be paused if it is not performing well. Marketers can then focus on optimizing other active keywords or testing new ones.

Best Practices For Keyword Status

Regular Monitoring: Check keyword status regularly to ensure optimal performance.

Performance-Based Decisions: Pause or remove keywords that do not meet performance criteria.

Testing: Experiment with new keywords and adjust their status based on results.

Documentation: Keep records of changes in keyword status for future reference.

Key Aspects Of Keyword Status

Status Management: Regularly updating the status of keywords based on performance data.

Performance Monitoring: Tracking the impact of keyword status changes.

Optimization: Pausing or removing ineffective keywords to focus on high performers.

Testing and Iteration: Continuously testing new keywords and adjusting their status.

Historical Tracking: Maintaining records of keyword status changes for analysis.

Budget Allocation: Ensuring the budget is spent on active and effective keywords.

Strategic Adjustments: Making quick changes to keyword status based on campaign needs.

Challenges For Keyword Status

Frequent Changes: Managing frequent status changes can be time-consuming.

Data Accuracy: Ensuring accurate tracking and reporting of keyword status.

Impact Assessment: Assessing the impact of status changes on overall campaign performance.

Resource Allocation: Efficiently allocating resources to manage keyword status.

Relevant Metrics

  • Keyword Status Counts
  • Performance Impact
  • Cost Efficiency
  • Historical Performance


Managing keyword status is a critical aspect of optimizing app search ad campaigns. By regularly monitoring and adjusting keyword status based on performance data, marketers can ensure their campaigns are efficient and effective. Proper management of keyword status leads to better resource allocation, improved ad performance, and higher overall campaign success. 

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