Impression Share

Impression share in app search ads is the percentage of total possible impressions an ad receives out of the total it was eligible for.
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What Is Impression Share?

Impression share in app search ads is the percentage of total possible impressions an ad receives out of the total it was eligible for. It is a key metric for understanding ad visibility and competitiveness in the ad auction. A higher impression share indicates that the ad is being shown more frequently, while a lower impression share suggests room for improvement in ad positioning or budget allocation.

The Importance Of Impression Share

Visibility Measurement: Indicates how often ads are shown compared to potential visibility.

Competitive Analysis: Helps understand ad performance relative to competitors.

Optimization: Guides adjustments to improve ad visibility and reach.

Budget Allocation: Assists in determining if budget adjustments are needed to increase impression share.

Types Of Impression Share

Absolute Top Impression Share: Percentage of impressions at the very top of search results.

Top Impression Share: Percentage of impressions at the top section of search results.

Overall Impression Share: Total percentage of impressions compared to all eligible impressions.

Examples Of Impression Share

In an app search ad campaign, a marketer might notice that their impression share is 60%, meaning their ad appears in 60 out of 100 eligible searches. To improve this, they might increase their bid or optimize their ad quality to capture a larger share of impressions.

Best Practices For Impression Share

Monitor Regularly: Keep track of impression share to identify trends and issues.

Improve Ad Quality: Enhance ad relevance and quality to compete better in the auction.

Adjust Bids: Increase bids to gain a higher share of impressions.

Optimize Budget: Ensure sufficient budget allocation to maintain or improve impression share.

Key Aspects Of Impression Share

Ad Eligibility: Ensuring ads are eligible to appear in as many relevant searches as possible.

Bid Management: Adjusting bids to increase competitiveness.

Quality Score: Improving ad relevance and quality to boost impression share.

Budget Allocation: Ensuring enough budget to support desired impression share.

Performance Analysis: Regularly reviewing impression share data for insights.

Competitive Positioning: Understanding how impression share compares to competitors.

Ad Frequency: Balancing frequency to avoid overexposure or underexposure.

Challenges For Impression Share

Competition: High competition can reduce impression share.

Budget Constraints: A limited budget may restrict the ability to increase impression share.

Bid Fluctuations: Changes in bid strategies can impact impression share.

Ad Quality: Lower quality ads may struggle to achieve a high impression share.

Relevant Metrics

Impression Share: Percentage of total eligible impressions received.

Top Impression Share: Percentage of impressions at the top of search results.

Absolute Top Impression Share: Percentage of impressions at the very top of search results.

Budget Utilization: Amount of budget spent to achieve the impression share.

Bid Performance: Effectiveness of bid strategies in capturing impressions.


Impression share is a vital metric for understanding and improving ad visibility in app search campaigns. By regularly monitoring and optimizing impression share, marketers can enhance their ad performance and ensure their campaigns are reaching the desired audience effectively. Strategic adjustments in bids, ad quality, and budget allocation are essential for maximizing impression share and overall campaign success. 

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