Apple Search Ads: A Beginner's Guide in 2024

Apple Search Ads guide beginners through the process of promoting apps effectively, utilizing strategic targeting and optimization within the App Store ecosystem.
FoxAdvert ASA

In the dynamic world of app marketing, Apple Search Ads have emerged as a powerful tool for publishers and developers aiming to enhance their app's visibility and drive downloads. Since their inception in 2016, these ads have become a staple in the marketing strategies of app creators looking to tap into Apple's lucrative user base. Although Android may have a broader market share, the iOS platform is renowned for its users' higher propensity to spend on apps and in-app purchases. This spending behavior makes Apple Search Ads an invaluable asset for those looking to maximize their return on investment in the App Store.

Performance of Apple Search Ads

The efficacy of Apple Search Ads is evident in their performance metrics, particularly when it comes to user retention and the generation of paying customers. As per the AppsFlyer Performance Index, Apple Search Ads have secured strong rankings, coming in third for retention among non-gaming apps and fourth overall for both gaming and non-gaming categories. On iOS, they rank second only to Facebook, underscoring their potency in engaging users who are likely to convert to paying customers.

android v ios market share

In the gaming sector, while Apple Search Ads rank sixth overall, they showcase exceptional retention rates for more challenging game genres, securing the second spot. This indicates that users acquired through Apple Search Ads are not only more inclined to remain engaged with the app but are also more likely to make in-app purchases.

The surge in app installs, increasing by 34% since the previous index, further demonstrates the growing influence of Apple Search Ads in the app marketplace. Their ability to produce high-quality visitors is especially beneficial for apps that rely on in-app purchases as a primary monetization strategy.

With a substantial portion of App Store visitors, over 70%, using search to find new apps and 65% of downloads stemming directly from these searches, Apple Search Ads stand out as a potent marketing technique. They not only enhance app discoverability but also drive high-intent users towards installation, thereby creating a significant impact on an app's success in the crowded App Store environment.

Differences Between Search Ads Basic and Search Ads Advanced

Apple Search Ads come in two flavors: Basic and Advanced.

The Basic version is straightforward with a pay-per-install model and minimal reporting, suitable for those new to the platform.

The Advanced version, akin to a traditional PPC channel, allows for more granular control over targeting and keyword selection, making it ideal for those seeking detailed campaign analytics and management.

Differences Between Search Ads Basic and Search Ads Advanced

Setting Up Apple Search Ads Account and Launching a Campaign

To get started with Apple Search Ads, sign in with an Apple ID and choose the app to promote.

-For Basic, define your budget and target regions, and Apple handles the rest, including a $100 credit for new accounts.

-Advanced campaigns require setting a budget, daily caps, and cost-per-tap bids, with more layers of targeting and ad group customization.

Ad Group Settings

In Apple Search Ads Advanced, ad groups are where the granularity of your campaign comes to life. These settings allow you to segment your audience and tailor your ads to specific user behaviors and preferences.

Here's what you can configure within an ad group:
  • Scheduling: Decide when your ads will run. You can align this with peak user activity times or important events.
  • Device Targeting: Choose whether to show your ads on iPhone, iPad, or both, depending on where your app performs best.
  • Cost-Per-Tap (CPT) Bid: Set the maximum amount you're willing to pay when a user taps on your ad. Apple provides a suggested CPT bid based on auction data, but you have the flexibility to set your own bid strategy.
  • Audience Refinement: You can narrow down your audience based on demographics, location, and customer types, such as new users, existing users, or users of your other apps.
  • Keywords: Select specific keywords for which your ad should appear in search results. This can be based on Apple's suggestions or your own research.
  • Creative Sets: Tailor your ad creatives to match your ad group's theme or target audience. This can include different screenshots or app previews that resonate with specific user segments.
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Advantages of Using Apple Search Ads

Apple Search Ads offer several advantages that can make them a cornerstone of your app marketing strategy:
  1. High Visibility: Your app appears at the top of the App Store search results, making it more discoverable to potential users actively searching for related apps.
  2. Quality Traffic: Users on the App Store have high intent, and Apple Search Ads can drive these high-quality users to your app, increasing the likelihood of downloads and engagement.
  3. Enhanced User Acquisition: With advanced targeting options, you can reach the right audience, resulting in a more efficient user acquisition process and a better return on ad spend (ROAS).
  4. Improved App Store Ranking: The App Store algorithm takes into account the number of installs, including those from ads, which can boost your organic ranking and visibility.
  5. Detailed Metrics: Apple Search Ads Advanced provides comprehensive analytics, allowing you to measure and optimize your campaign's performance based on actionable data.
  6. Budget Control: You have complete control over your budget with no minimum spend, enabling you to start small and scale as you see results.
  7. Cross-Promotion Opportunities: For developers with multiple apps, Apple Search Ads allow for cross-promotion, targeting users who may be interested in your other app offerings.

Apple Search Ads offers an exclusive and potent avenue for enhancing app visibility and boosting downloads directly on the Apple App Store. This platform stands out as the sole advertising channel that allows for direct promotion within the App Store, presenting a prime opportunity for increasing brand recognition and accelerating download numbers.

Apple Search Ads comes in two distinct forms to cater to different needs and expertise levels. The Basic version simplifies campaign management, automating much of the process and thus reducing the effort required on your part. In contrast, the Advanced version grants you full control, allowing for a hands-on approach to tailor and fine-tune your advertising efforts.

Your choice between Apple Search Ads Basic and Advanced should align with your available budget and resources, and it's crucial to continually assess the effectiveness of your chosen method. At FoxAdvert, we understand the importance of this choice and offer ASA services that ensure your investment is not only efficient but also effective.  It's essential to stay vigilant and ensure that your investment in Apple Search Ads is yielding the expected benefits for your app's growth. 

🔈 Share your challenges with us, and our FoxAdvert ASA experts will tailor an advertising strategy that enhances your app's downloads significantly.
Tina MacKenzie
Senior Marketing Strategist
Tina excels at breaking down complex marketing strategies into practical, actionable tips. Outside of work, she enjoys experimenting with new recipes and discovering hidden city gems, making her marketing insights as engaging as her culinary explorations.